

Dutch Integration exam from abroad (MVV)

Duration: 3 months Intensity: 1 lesson/week Self-study: 2-3 hours per week with regular assignments duly graded & corrected. Language used: [...]


Dutch Speaking & Writing (Short Course A2)

This course is designed to help you excel in writing and speaking exams. It provides effective strategies to tackle these [...]


Dutch B0-B1/ NT2-programma 1 (Regular Course)

Dutch B0-B1/ NT2-programma 1 (Regular Course) Duration: 6 months Intensity: 1 lesson/week Self-study: 6-8 hours per week with regular assignments [...]


Dutch Inburgering A0-A2 (Fast track intensive course)

Dutch Inburgering A0-A2 (Fast track intensive course) Duration: 5 months Intensity: 1 lesson for 2 hours/ week Self-study: 4-6 hours [...]

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Chaitali Sengupta